Kybella Downtown Los Angeles

Kybella Specialist

The dreaded double chin can be a nightmare, likely making mirrors a nuisance you try to avoid. At Los Angeles Center for Cosmetic Surgery, plastic surgeons offer Kybella® injections, the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce submental fullness (more commonly known as a double chin).

With just one or two injections, these providers can vastly improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence without putting you under the knife. To find out if Kybella injections are right for you, schedule a consultation at this Downtown Los Angeles cosmetic center today.

Real Patient Before & Afters


Say goodbye to your double chin, without surgery! Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for the reduction of submental fullness, also known as a double chin. When injected into subcutaneous fat, Kybella is able to kill the fat cells, then prompting your body to expel them through its natural lymphatic system. In 1 to 2 injections, the providers at LACCS are able to non-surgically contour your jawline and give you a drastically younger appearance.

Deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient in Kybella, is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that works to break down and absorb dietary fat. Kybella is effective in treating submental fullness when injected into excess fat below the chin, as the deoxycholic acid works to kill the fat cells that are then expelled through the body’s natural lymphatic system. Once these cells are destroyed, the treated area is no longer able to store fat- meaning the results from a Kybella treatment are entirely permanent!

Club 603, Downtown LA Medspa Membership

Club 603 is our exclusive, personalized beauty membership plan in Downtown LA. If you are striving to look your best or to simply take preventative steps to slow the effects of aging, our Medspa can provide you with the full scope of non-surgical procedures to achieve the desired result. Sign up today for the benefits.

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How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Kybella treatments are individually tailored to each patient depending on their desired results and the amount of submental fat to treat.

Typically we recommend between 2-4 treatments spaced 1 month apart for optimum results.

What to Expect During the Treatment?

A Kybella treatment begins with your provider marking the areas to be injected below your chin. Local anesthetic can be administered at the patient's request to make the procedure more comfortable.

The number of injection areas depends on the size of the area being treated and the amount of fat targeted. Patients describe the injections as feeling like a mild sting. The stinging generally subsides immediately following the procedure.

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To schedule a private consultation please call the office or request an appointment online.

What to Expect Following Treatment?

After treatment, the chin will be iced to reduce swelling. It is common for the area under the chin to swell more in the days following the injections, with swelling peaking at 20-28 hours post-injection and beginning to reduce beyond that point.

Swelling is a sign of the fat cells being destroyed by the deoxycholic acid. Often patients will develop nodules in the treated area that can be felt but are not visible to others. Nodules are another sign of the deoxycholic acid doing its job and are evidence of the fat cells being destroyed. Nodules will disappear on their own a few days after treatment. The downtime following Kybella is minimal and patients are able to return to normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Los Angeles Center for Cosmetic Surgery in DTLA

1245 Wilshire Blvd, #603, Los Angeles, CA 90017